Parrothead @ WP ShowHide Elements

- Alias: Parrothead
- Skickat: 2010-09-17 @ 21:16
- Kommenterat: WP ShowHide Elements
I’ve been including this plugin in my themes for a while and came up with a shortcode to make it easier for my clients.
Open source contribution.
Add this to functions.php:
function Showhide($atts, $content = null){
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
‘title’ => ‘Add Title’,
), $atts ) );
$nice_title = str_replace(‘ ‘,”,$title);
$rand = rand(0,20);
$accordion = ‘‘.$title.’‘;
$accordion .= ”. do_shortcode($content) .”;
return $accordion;
Here’s usage for the shortcode:
[Showhide title=’A really good Question?’]
With a really good answer.