raafman @ WP YouTube
- Alias: raafman
- Skickat: 2007-12-27 @ 17:01
- Kommenterat: WP YouTube
Hey, great plugin. I have a couple of suggestions, though. I have two blogs, one with multiple authors who aren’t very technically savvy, and my personal blog. And while it’s easy enough for me to post videos using the quicktag method, I’m afraid my co-authors are less likely to use this plugin if it requires them to learn anything more advanced. So far, they have no problem with copying and pasting the simple embed code supplied by youtube into the post window. I’m wondering if there’s a way to make it so that the plugin itself does the work of stripping the embed code down to the youtube ID so that all an author has to do is paste the embed code and continue writing like normal. It would be great if it worked retroactively too. thanks for your hard work!