WordPress smilies icon-pack – Free download
2007-09-02 @ 21:20WordPress smilies icon-pack seems to be rare on the net. Here I present my own collection of smilies, designed to be used in WordPress 2. Smilies are as default presented when people comment the posts.
The difference between my smilies and the ones in WordPress as default, is that my smilies are a bit softer and have bigger eyes.
Here is a preview of what they looks like:
To install the smilies into wordpress, unzip the ZIP-file into the wordpress folder: wp-includes/images/smilies
2008-01-11 @ 22:12
Excellent stuff!!
I am using it on my site with a small hack called WP Grins
2008-01-11 @ 22:13
Thanks! Nice that it works with WP Grins. I have never tried WP Grins but I might check it out to see how it works.
2008-01-17 @ 22:14
Tack! Dina smilies är mycket finare än ”orginalen” och de fungerar utmärkt. F.ö tycker jag hela din sida är både snygg och värd besöket.
Ha det gott!
2008-04-11 @ 22:20
Tack så mycket! :)
2008-02-13 @ 22:15
Kanonfina smilies!
Tack för det bra jobbet du gjort.
2008-04-11 @ 22:19
Tackar! :P
2008-02-16 @ 22:16
Really nice ones, I’ll use them with my blog at http://www.keksausmainz.de/blog
2008-04-11 @ 22:19
Looks nice!
2008-04-10 @ 22:17
using them at my blog. thanx.
2008-04-11 @ 22:18
Looks very good! :)
2008-04-16 @ 22:21
Disse ser bra ut :) Bruker ikke smilies i bilder selv, men la de ut på WPNorge.org, så skal du nok se at det er noen norrbaggar som kommer til å bruke dem ;)
2008-04-16 @ 22:22
Tackar! :D
2008-05-28 @ 22:23
First of all.
I come to this blog in searching for wordpress additional smilies.
But I not found what I’m looking for.(3D smiley)
But, I found a nice comments interface.
It is so neat and tidy.
Hello sir, would you want to share your comment css template?
I am not satisfied with mine.
And also,I want to ask about the post rating plugin that you use.
Thanks in advance.
2008-06-11 @ 22:24
Wow, nice emoticons bro. I’ll use it on the blog that I own… Thanks a lot! ;-)
2009-01-13 @ 22:24
thanks for smilies dude..i will try it :D
2009-01-20 @ 22:25
i have download smilies icon-pack and i have up load.
but the smilies is no use / no emerge in comment
can you help me how to use / insert / tide smilies icon-pack in wordpress plugins?
2009-04-20 @ 16:38
Thanks very much for sharing
2009-07-29 @ 11:05
Thanks ;)
2009-08-09 @ 13:37
It’s a cool smile icons pack,thank you.
2009-09-01 @ 13:39
very nice smiley. i kove this plugin
2010-01-05 @ 6:29
Cool wordpress smilies.I can do it.
2011-01-25 @ 19:35
Wow, nice emoticons bro. I’ll use it on the blog that I own… Thanks a lot!